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Monday, January 31, 2011

This week.

This coming week i have a job for a designer here - Catherine Dene. Her designs have been worn
by stars everywhere, such as Selena Gomez, Brittany snow, Kaley cuoco, and more. I'm so excited to
show off her new line, her stuff is breathtakingly beautiful. You guys should really check her stuff out!

Sense Chinese new year is coming up, i can see it being slow for models here. Not that many castings will
be held, so ill have to keep myself busy! Thinking of Chinese new year, i picture festivals and a lot of
things going on in the streets. But i was told that it actually gets pretty quiet around here, because families
spend it together, and share gifts with one another. Its kind of just like our Christmas! I was also told that
the color red is their lucky color. Which explains why most of their traditional outfits have red on them.
Another interesting fact I've learned is that the number four, is supposed to be an evil number. A lot of buildings do not have a 4th or 14th floor here. And lots of families only have 3 kids at the most..

I have learned so much about hong kong, and the way of life here. Now, i am ready to learn about Korea.
I already know one thing about Korea, and that is that I'm going to love the food! I'm also going to enjoy finally living in a models apt, sense i have not done that yet, it will be new to me. It will be my first trip ever being without any one of my parents, for so long. And I'm glad to say I'm pretty confident that I'm ready to do this alone! As, i am 18 this year..

And I cant wait to share with you all about my Korean adventure!!

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