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Saturday, January 22, 2011

One Month Left in Hong kong

So its been two months in Hong Kong already, time has gone by quickly (at first it went by so slow) This last month I'm sure will fly bye. I have to say even though there has been ups and downs here, I'm so glad Hong Kong was my first place of travel, its been such an amazing learning experience for me (Next my mother agency told me it would be, and they where so right ) Here in HK you have to get yourself around, which as hard at first "sooo HARD lol" but now its a piece of cake I don't know why I stressed out so much. You basically sit back and wait for a text for either a casting or a job, and then its up to you to find it, and sometimes with the language barrier its not easy, (Elite is always there if you need them though, they are great).  Its going to be so nice to go to a market that takes you to jobs and castings after 3 months of foot work here.. But the advantages are it gets you ready for markets like Europe and New york, you get very experienced with a map lol, and its great EXERCISE!!

There has been a lot of casting to lately, they consist of magazine work, ads, look books(they pay quite well here for look books and events) . Some of the castings iv been to are for Colgate tooth past, CK, body shop, ect just to name a couple and are between 1-3 a day which is enough considering you get yourself around on your own. Oh and a little tip about HK most ppl who what to book you here, have to see you first, so if they are interested in you, you have to go to the casting first, even if  its just you they are interested in, so always be ready with proper casting wear and good hair and always smile even when you think they are not looking...They ARE, and always be professional at all times, your not only representing yourself but your agencys, even if you're not picked you will be remembered, for maybe future jobs they might have :))
Iv been working a lot lately, which is always a bonus, its been a lot of events (which they do a lot of in HK) and they are quite fun.Yesterday I had a job for an advertisement for an electric company, its a 2 year ad Asia wide, it was so different from what I'm used to, it consisted of me sitting on the floor of mine and my  husbands new apartment with boxes from the move everywhere, looking at him lovingly switch on the lights.Its was interesting, different, but a refreshing (switch lol) and definitely a learning experience.
  I can't wait till Feb though, that's when I get to do the big Campaign (What its for is still a secret for now) but I'm soo excited I was chosen for it after them looking for two months, its an amazing opportunity and I cant wait to share how it went and who its for .

 It looks like I might not be going home, I'm still waiting on conformation from My agent on this, but she did say its an option if I was willing to keep traveling, and I have made up my mind that if its an option, then I'm going to take advantage of it, the more markets I can experience and learn from the better ( Thank you Lorraine and Lucy), and I'm so thankful I have such a wonderful agency helping me make these important decisions and a amazing Family who support me 100% , Im not looking to grow up too fast I love being 17, and I will take all the help and guidence I can.

 Well good bye for now, I have to go to a casting for a jeans ad "wish me luck"
Love you all Alicia xoxo

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