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Sunday, December 12, 2010

The two week mark.

It's been a couple days sense i have written in my blog, Ive just been so busy. I guess i should write in it a lot more, because it would be very cool to look back on later in life, (and for everyone to read of course)!

My job went well, they were all really happy, and so fascinated about my eyes. Everyone points at my eyes and says ( big, big eyes!) haha.
Jobs and castings here are so different then back home, i find the clients to be kind of cold, and not really talkative, but still nice. The jobs go by so quick, its so fast paced.

Tomorrow i have a bathing suit magazine job, I'm kind of nervous for it, but I'm sure it will be fun and and very different for me, sense i haven't really done a shoot like that before. I will keep you all posted on how it went, promise! Today, my mom and i went out for lunch at this Italian place ( BAD IDEA) it was horrible.
We both got pasta, mine was supposed to have shrimp in it, and they only gave me 2 pieces of shrimp..
Then, my mom got a scallop pasta, and they only gave her 1 scallop.. plus both of our meals were not that good at all. I also find i am to nice, because whenever i say thank you, nobody ever acknowledge that i say it.
Its kind of weird to me, I'm so used to being polite, and people being polite back haha.

Anyways, I'm going to go for a walk now, and ill update soon.

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