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Friday, December 17, 2010

The Hong kong market

Now that i am going to be hitting the three week mark, i feel as if i can provide some information about the HK market..

1) Your agency: Other models and myself both found that our agency here, are not as nice and talkative as our mother agents. Don'T get me wrong, they are still very nice, they just don't spend a lot of time with you personally. Remember they do have a lot of girls always flying in and out of hong kong, so its difficult for them to be buddy-buddy with everyone.

2) Castings: I find going to castings here, is so weird! The clients want their models in full makeup when they arrive at the casting. Foundation, mascara, lip gloss, blush, and even eyeshadow at times. Yeah, its nice that you are able to do your self all up, but then your skin breaks out because of wearing so much makeup all the time. Everyday you have 1-5 castings.

3) Jobs: So, the jobs are actually fun here! Down here they don't like to be boring, so when i walk on to set, they always have a scene created behind me, not just a solid colour background. The magazine shoots are really short, 4-5 hours only, which is always nice! Also, down here, they pay models for pretty much anything.. they will pay a model to just go to a designers store, and try on her clothes, and that's it..
Its pretty cool. But, there is sooo much competition down here, that's why you go to so many castings.

4) Getting settled: Before i cam to hong kong, my agent told me that the first two weeks would be the hardest, and i can tell you now that this statement is very, very true. I had a really difficult time getting used to things, and i missed everyone at home so badly! (i still do, of course). But, things have gotten 100% easier, i really love it here now. There is always something going on, and lots to look at. Its beautiful.

5) Parties: Here's the deal with partying here, its everywhere! They call it the party city.
Some models really enjoy it, and go almost every night. I can see how its so appealing, i mean you get treated like a superstar, and get free everything! But, that's not for me, and that's not what I'm here for. So, i choose to stay away from that scene. That's just my choice anyways.

If anyone has any questions for me, please feel free to ask, and also let me know if your reading my blog!
Id love to hear from you.

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