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Sunday, February 27, 2011


Woooooho! So, I finally made it to Korea after only a four hour flight. First impressions are everything, and my firs impression of Seoul was amazing! Everything around is so interesting, and very modern as well. On my drive from the airport, all I could do was look out the window. My nerves never really set in, until i was walking up to my modeling apartment..

To my surprise the apartment is HUGE, and i even have my own room! I love it, its so adorable.
There is only 3 other models here, that have already been here for a while..  their very nice,
so thats a bonus :)

This morning when i woke up, it was around 8:30ish, so i decided to explore. When i stepped out of my apartment, it was drizzling rain a bit, it didn't bother me at all! Im soo used to Vancouver weather, plus it made me feel at home. But as i started walking, the rain began to fall harder, and the wind became to blow harder, so i stopped in a coffee café, and got a green tea latte. After my latte, and a skype conversation with my family, i decided to go back home. I did not realize how far i actually walked, until i got lost, in the rain , with no umbrella. People were looking at me funny, i looked like a drown rat! my hair was soaked, and so were my clothes. Being lost in the pouring rain, IS NOT GOOD. Everything looked the same to me as i walked up and down the streets of my community.. Finally, after 45 minutes of wandering, i found it! Not only did i walk by it like ten billion times, but i also walked by a model that is living in my apartment, without me even knowing, until she came home later tonight and told me that she seen me! ohhh god, what a day Ive had.

My agency is SOOO nice, i just adore them. They are really sweet! They made sure i was comfortable, and even stayed with me for hours last night because i couldn't get my INTERNET to work! Their amazing..

Tomorrow i have three castings so far! And the really good part about it, is that i get drivin around everywhere! YAAAY, coming from hk, and having to get everywhere yourself, this is a big teat for me.

Anyways, im going to go to bed! Good night everyone, or good morning! Depends on where you are :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Alex from the flight here - good to see you got to the apartment alright and the place is nice - sounds like you got the best case scenario... good luck and enjoy, cheerio
